Acceptance, motherhood, parenting

Accidents Happen

I have been in potty training hell for the past year. I've read pretty much every article, blog, and book I could find on the subject yet still we couldn't seem to turn the corner. And somehow, I sit here today with a pretty much potty trained toddler. Hallelujah! And if I can do it,… Continue reading Accidents Happen

motherhood, parenting, selfcare

Toddler Blues

We are in it. That stage when up is down and everything is a battle. Toddler parenting. I try to remember when things changed, and I think it was the day she turned 3. December was filled with another failed attempt at potty training. Today bathtime became a war zone. Tub toys were hurled. There… Continue reading Toddler Blues

Acceptance, parenting

It’s okay to be a quitter

At what point is it okay to throw in the towel? To quit? Is there some mandatory life lesson held in forcing a child to stick with something because they asked to try it once? Or do we get attached to the idea of our children being something? Or feel pressured by the check we… Continue reading It’s okay to be a quitter

counseling, parenting, selfcare, yoga

Take care of yourself

I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth here. It is that time of year as a school counselor where you don't just want to hide in a hole, you literally have to. I have been pumping out letters of recommendation and meeting with stressed out seniors trying to find their… Continue reading Take care of yourself

motherhood, parenting

The Invisible (Step)parent

Step parenting is messy. There I said it. Now don't get me wrong. It's also rewarding and can be beautiful and I wouldn't trade my blended little family for the world. But some days, I know every stepparent has a fleeting "this is so complicated and hard" moment. Maybe it's when your step child is… Continue reading The Invisible (Step)parent

counseling, motherhood


We started a small herb garden this year on our windowsill. We bought a small kit that came with three pots and five types of seeds. I followed the directions to combine seeds in two pots, Basil/Oregano, Parsley/Chives, and Cilantro on its own.  As they grew, the small pots quickly became crowded and we upgraded… Continue reading Resiliency